Basics of Computer

This is a blog is to share and collate knowledge in the field of Computer Software in the user and Developer context.

Lets start

Lets start with the basis of Computer Software.

Computer : is the physical device.
Software : the enabler for the physical device Computer as defined is an electronic machine that take input , process the information and outputs the results and save the data for future use. This consists of various compoments. Input devices :Keyboard, Mouse,Scanners.etc. Processing & Memory devices : CPU (Central Processing Unit), RAM(Random Access Memory),ROM(Read Only Memory),HardDisk Output Devices : Monitor,Printers. These are all the physical components that make the Computer, but these devices are made to function by a series of instructions called Program/Software that run in the CPU

 What is Program?

The set of instructions that are executed for the functioning of these physical components is called system programs or System Software. The set of instruction that performs the specific functionality like calculation like calculator is called Application software that does the calculation application.

Like that it can be excel for computing, word editing MSWORD, paint or coloring function MSpaint, incometax /tax calculator TAlly…goes on…. Your information display web Browser is also of a the application software that display the information with text and images for reading for the users.

Basics of Computer Basics of Computer Reviewed by Passion Blogger on May 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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